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Do you have a family member who suffers from problems with substance abuse?

If your family member has problems with substance abuse, you can try to help him or her to find help. However, remember that persons of age must be willing to seek treatment themselves; they cannot be forced.

For example, you can find out about the kinds of treatment available on behalf of your family member and make it as easy as possible for him or her to seek treatment. If your own life with someone with substance abuse problems seems tough, seek help for yourself as well. Support is available from A-clinics and peer support groups, such as Al-Anon.

You should discuss alcohol and drugs and their use with your child or youngster, even if they do not have problems. However, if your child has problems with substance abuse, you should intervene as early as possible and contact a health care centre or youth clinic. You can book an appointment at a youth clinic yourself, and the treatment is usually free of charge. Information on youth clinics is available on your wellbeing services county’s website.